Powerful Hummingbird Identification

Powerful Hummingbird Identifier.

We believe in protecting birds, and hummingbirds.

Our app currently identifies more that +346 hummingbirds.

The app is in an Early Stage


Powerful Hummingbird specie Identification.
We believe in protecting hummingbirds.
Our app currently identifies more that +346 hummingbird species.
Check Support URL to see the hummingbirds that can identify.
The app is CURRENTLY on an early stage, great updates are coming.
We worked hard in this deploy in the AI Algorithm.
Our goal is to index all hummingbirds that exist in the world.
If you buy this app you will get all future updates and full access for free.
The identifier can only identify 346 hummingbirds.
We will work hard to publish updates with more birds.
*Inference of hummingbirds may fail, inferences with AI are as great as best human taxonomists, but keep ind mind that inference is only a possibility.
Always call your local experts.
Our mission is to provide on of the best apps to identify hummingbirds. We will update the app regularly with more hummingbirds species and subspecies.
We don't collect data.
The app works doesn't require internet connection.
Protect Nature.

Hummingbirds Identification List

Allen's hummingbird

Amazilia hummingbird

Amethyst woodstar

Amethyst-throated mountaingem

Amethyst-throated sunangel

Andean emerald

Andean hillstar

Anna's hummingbird

Antillean crested hummingbird

Antillean mango

Azure-crowned hummingbird

Bahama woodstar

Band-tailed barbthroat

Bearded mountaineer

Beautiful sheartail

Bee hummingbird

Berylline hummingbird

Black inca

Black jacobin

Black metaltail

Black-backed thornbill

Black-bellied hummingbird

Black-bellied thorntail

Black-billed streamertail

Black-breasted hillstar

Black-breasted puffleg

Black-chinned hummingbird

Black-crested coquette

Black-eared fairy

Black-hooded sunbeam

Black-tailed trainbearer

Black-thighed puffleg

Black-throated brilliant

Black-throated hermit

Black-throated mango

Blue-bearded helmetcrest

Blue-capped puffleg

Blue-chested hummingbird

Blue-chinned sapphire

Blue-fronted lancebill

Blue-headed hummingbird

Blue-headed sapphire

Blue-mantled thornbill

Blue-tailed emerald

Blue-tailed hummingbird

Blue-throated hillstar

Blue-throated mountaingem

Blue-throated sapphire

Blue-throated starfrontlet

Blue-tufted starthroat

Blue-vented hummingbird

Brazilian ruby

Broad-billed hummingbird

Broad-tailed hummingbird

Broad-tipped hermit

Bronze-tailed comet

Bronze-tailed plumeleteer

Bronze-tailed thornbill

Bronzy hermit

Bronzy inca

Brown inca

Brown violetear

Buff-bellied hermit

Buff-bellied hummingbird

Buff-breasted sabrewing

Buff-tailed coronet

Buff-tailed sicklebill

Buff-thighed puffleg

Buff-winged starfrontlet

Buffy helmetcrest

Buffy hummingbird

Bumblebee hummingbird

Butterfly coquette

Calliope hummingbird

Canivet's emerald

Charming hummingbird

Chestnut-bellied hummingbird

Chestnut-breasted coronet

Chilean woodstar

Chiribiquete emerald

Cinnamon-sided hummingbird

Cinnamon-throated hermit

Collared inca

Colorful puffleg

Coppery emerald

Coppery metaltail

Coppery-bellied puffleg

Coppery-headed emerald

Costa's hummingbird

Cozumel emerald

Crimson topaz

Crowned woodnymph

Cuban emerald

Curve-winged sabrewing

Dot-eared coquette

Doubleday's hummingbird

Dusky hummingbird

Dusky starfrontlet

Dusky-throated hermit

Ecuadorian hillstar

Ecuadorian piedtail

Emerald-bellied puffleg

Emerald-chinned hummingbird

Empress brilliant

Esmeraldas woodstar

Fawn-breasted brilliant

Festive coquette

Fiery topaz

Fiery-tailed awlbill

Fiery-throated hummingbird

Fiery-throated metaltail

Flame-throated sunangel

Fork-tailed woodnymph

Frilled coquette

Garden emerald

Garnet-throated hummingbird

Geoffroy's daggerbill

Giant hummingbird

Gilded sapphire

Glittering-bellied emerald

Glittering-throated emerald

Glow-throated hummingbird

Glowing puffleg

Golden-bellied starfrontlet

Golden-breasted puffleg

Golden-crowned emerald

Golden-tailed sapphire

Gorgeted puffleg

Gorgeted sunangel

Gorgeted woodstar

Gould's jewelfront

Great sapphirewing

Great-billed hermit

Green hermit

Green mango

Green thorntail

Green-and-white hummingbird

Green-backed firecrown

Green-backed hillstar

Green-bearded helmetcrest

Green-breasted mango

Green-breasted mountaingem

Green-crowned brilliant

Green-crowned plovercrest

Green-fronted hummingbird

Green-fronted lancebill

Green-headed hillstar

Green-tailed emerald

Green-tailed goldenthroat

Green-tailed trainbearer

Green-throated carib

Green-throated mango

Green-throated mountaingem

Greenish puffleg

Grey-bellied comet

Grey-breasted sabrewing

Grey-chinned hermit

Grey-tailed mountaingem

Hispaniolan emerald

Hoary puffleg

Honduran emerald

Hooded visorbearer

Hook-billed hermit

Horned sungem

Humboldt's sapphire

Hyacinth visorbearer

Inagua woodstar

Indigo-capped hummingbird

Jamaican mango

Juan Fernández firecrown

Koepcke's hermit

Lazuline sabrewing

Lesser violetear

Little hermit

Little woodstar

Long-billed hermit

Long-billed starthroat

Long-tailed hermit

Long-tailed sabrewing

Long-tailed sylph

Long-tailed woodnymph

Magenta-throated woodstar

Mangrove hummingbird

Many-spotted hummingbird

Marvelous spatuletail

Mexican hermit

Mexican sheartail

Mexican violetear

Mexican woodnymph

Minute hermit

Mountain avocetbill

Mountain velvetbreast

Napo sabrewing

Narrow-tailed emerald

Neblina metaltail

Needle-billed hermit

Oasis hummingbird

Oaxaca hummingbird

Olivaceous thornbill

Olive-spotted hummingbird

Orange-throated sunangel

Outcrop sabrewing

Pale-bellied hermit

Pale-tailed barbthroat

Peacock coquette

Perijá metaltail

Peruvian piedtail

Peruvian racket-tail

Peruvian sheartail

Pink-throated brilliant

Plain-bellied emerald

Plain-capped starthroat

Planalto hermit

Puerto Rican emerald

Purple-backed sunbeam

Purple-backed thornbill

Purple-bibbed whitetip

Purple-chested hummingbird

Purple-collared woodstar

Purple-crowned fairy

Purple-crowned plovercrest

Purple-throated carib

Purple-throated mountaingem

Purple-throated sunangel

Purple-throated woodstar

Racket-tailed coquette

Rainbow starfrontlet

Rainbow-bearded thornbill

Red-billed emerald

Red-billed streamertail

Red-tailed comet

Reddish hermit

Rivoli's hummingbird

Royal sunangel

Ruby-throated hummingbird

Ruby-topaz hummingbird

Rufous hummingbird

Rufous sabrewing

Rufous-booted racket-tail

Rufous-breasted hermit

Rufous-breasted sabrewing

Rufous-capped thornbill

Rufous-crested coquette

Rufous-gaped hillstar

Rufous-shafted woodstar

Rufous-tailed hummingbird

Rufous-throated sapphire

Rufous-vented whitetip

Rufous-webbed brilliant

Santa Marta blossomcrown

Santa Marta sabrewing

Santa Marta woodstar

Sapphire-bellied hummingbird

Sapphire-spangled emerald

Sapphire-throated hummingbird

Sapphire-vented puffleg

Saw-billed hermit

Scale-throated hermit

Scaled metaltail

Scaly-breasted hummingbird

Schistes albogularis

Scintillant hummingbird

Scissor-tailed hummingbird

Shining sunbeam

Shining-green hummingbird

Short-crested coquette

Short-tailed emerald

Short-tailed woodstar

Slender sheartail

Slender-tailed woodstar


Snowy-bellied hummingbird

Sombre hummingbird

Sooty barbthroat

Sooty-capped hermit

Spangled coquette

Sparkling violetear

Sparkling-tailed woodstar

Speckled hummingbird

Spot-throated hummingbird

Steely-vented hummingbird

Straight-billed hermit

Streak-throated hermit

Stripe-breasted starthroat

Stripe-tailed hummingbird

Stripe-throated hermit

Swallow-tailed hummingbird

Sword-billed hummingbird

Talamanca hummingbird

Tawny-bellied hermit

Tepui goldenthroat

Tolima blossomcrown

Tooth-billed hummingbird

Tourmaline sunangel

Tufted coquette

Tumbes hummingbird

Turquoise-throated puffleg

Tyrian metaltail

Velvet-browed brilliant

Velvet-purple coronet

Venezuelan sylph

Veraguan mango

Versicolored emerald

Vervain hummingbird

Violet sabrewing

Violet-bellied hummingbird

Violet-capped hummingbird

Violet-capped woodnymph

Violet-chested hummingbird

Violet-crowned hummingbird

Violet-fronted brilliant

Violet-headed hummingbird

Violet-tailed sylph

Violet-throated metaltail

Violet-throated starfrontlet

Viridian metaltail

Volcano hummingbird

Wedge-tailed hillstar

Western emerald

White-bearded helmetcrest

White-bearded hermit

White-bellied emerald

White-bellied hummingbird

White-bellied mountaingem

White-bellied woodstar

White-booted racket-tail

White-browed hermit

White-chested emerald

White-chinned sapphire

White-crested coquette

White-eared hummingbird

White-necked jacobin

White-sided hillstar

White-tailed goldenthroat

White-tailed sabrewing

White-tailed starfrontlet

White-throated hummingbird

White-throated mountaingem

White-tipped sicklebill

White-tufted sunbeam

White-vented plumeleteer

White-vented violetear

White-whiskered hermit

Wine-throated hummingbird

Wire-crested thorntail

Xantus's hummingbird